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Weronika Wróblewska avatar
Written by Weronika Wróblewska
Updated over a week ago


22 Apr 2024

Warm-up powered by Mailivery

Our integration with Mailivery is available as a warm-up add-on in the Marketplace. You won’t be charged for activating the add-on, and you get a certain amount of free warm-up slots depending on the tier of contacted & stored prospects you have. Every email account added to the process after using the free warm-up slots will cost $5/month. Here are some details on the whole feature »

18 Jan 2024

AI Video product

With Woodpecker AI Video you can send personalized videos to your prospects. Record the video template and let AI Video use AI technology to customize it with the prospect's name, creating ready-to-use videos for all your campaigns. Learn how to get it on Marketplace »

15 Nov 2023

New billing metrics

New Woodpecker Billing operates on two primary value metrics: contacted prospects and stored prospects. For Woodpecker Agency users, the number of active clients is also taken into account. Details of these metrics can be found here »

12 Oct 2023

Woodpecker Dashboard

Dashboard is available to users with the Sales Assistant product only.

The Dashboard will help you see the general performance of your Woodpecker account and allow you to respond more quickly to any problems that may arise. Read more here »

21 Sep 2023

Inbox Rotation

Introducing Inbox Rotation, which helps your deliverability by sending out campaigns from multiple mailboxes. It's a mechanism that will help reduce the chances of exceeding the provider's limits, thus relieving one mailbox from sending to all prospects. Learn more in the article here »

3 Aug 2023

Smart Autoreplies

To keep your campaigns running, Smart Autoreplies will automatically set the earliest possible follow-up date based on the out-of-office message received from the prospect. Read more about it »

20 Jul 2023

White Label

Let your clients see your logo and branding in the Woodpecker Agency Reports. Personalized Woodpecker app in minutes. Learn how to set it up here »

7 Jun 2023

Global Notification

The notifications bell with all messages from all accounts you have access to is now available in the Agency panel. Read more about notifications in Agency panel here »

11 Apr 2023

Spamword Finder

If you’re looking for some additional ways to prevent your emails from getting into spam – highlight the words that might get you in trouble. Learn more about our Spamword Finder »

6 Apr 2023

Dux-Soup integration

Integration with Dux-Soup will allow users to automate processes on LinkedIn and use these actions throughout the sequence. Mixing contact channels gives you a chance to close the deal on many levels.

30 Mar 2023

OpenAI Integration

Struggling to write an email copy? You can now use AI to do it for you, as we have a native integration with OpenAI, available in the email editor of a campaign. Read more about it here »

30 Mar 2023

Reports in Deliverability Tab

The Reports tab has been moved from "My Profile" to the Deliverability tab, where you will find more options for selecting the period from which the report is to be generated.

23 Mar 2023

Email Templates

You can now save your most effective emails as templates and quickly use them for any of your campaigns. Learn more about Templates here »

31 Jan 2023

Two-way synchronization in Zoho

Two-way synchronization in Zoho lets you transfer data from the CRM to Woodpecker and vice versa, which allows for better synchronization of data between these tools.

23 Jan 2023

Choosing a specific worksheet from Google Sheets

For anyone who’s keeping their data in an advanced spreadsheet – now you can choose a specific worksheet while importing prospects from Google Sheets.

20 Dec 2022


With the workflow setup, we are giving you the ability to automate the process of moving the prospects between campaigns. It can help you omit the need for external integrations to automate business processes and manage them in a single tool: Woodpecker.

1 Dec 2022

Scheduling the campaign

We're giving you the option to delay the start of your campaign by scheduling it at the start of editing it. This will help you better organize your work, and to provide the App with all the necessary information to launch the campaign.

17 Oct 2022

Snippet fallbacks

Finally, we're introducing snippet fallbacks! Use this feature in situations where necessary information is missing for some of your prospects.

Key benefits:

1. Keep your campaigns running smoothly even if you're missing some data;

2. More options for editing text.

29 Jul 2022

Zoho CRM Integration

Thanks to the native integration with Zoho CRM, you’re able to sync your prospects from Woodpecker to Zoho Contacts. Activating this integration is easier than you think »

12 Jul 2022

Pipedrive Actions

With the Actions feature, you can automatically create deals in Pipedrive with Prospects who responded or were interested in your emails. Learn how to activate it from our help article »

28 Mar 2022

Guests in Agency

If you’re running an agency and your clients want to connect their emails to Woodpecker by themselves, they can do so now. The only thing that you need to do is to invite them in the Company settings tab as Clients »

18 Mar 2022

Deliverability report

Besides exporting your deliverability stats to the .CSV file, you can now export them to the PDF one. You'll find all the stats and graphs in one clear form that can be shared with your teammates, or clients. Check it in the Deliverability monitor »

21 Feb 2022

Spam checker

Thanks to this feature, you can check your email copy for content that is considered spammy. Our Spam checker scans your message and quickly gives you the result with the appropriate message. Read more about Spam checker here »

Image with an arrow pointing to the "Spam check this email" link

18 Jan 2022

Deliverability in Agency

Use Deliverability monitor to analyze the performance of your agency. You can see the summary from all campaigns across the companies you have access to. Read about Deliverability tab for Agency »

View of the Company in Deliverability tab for Agency

13 Jan 2022

Snippet labels

You can now use snippet labels for better customization of your prospects list. Name your snippet anything you want to know what information is under them. Check how to use them »

Image showing the list of snippets under Snippet labels tab in Company settings

23 Dec 2021

Webhook for manual task created

Now you can use this webhook for tracking all manual tasks created in your Woodpecker campaigns. See our API documentation to learn more »

9 Dec 2021

Warm-up & Recovery

The process of warming up your email or domain and their recovery can now be automatic, thanks to our new tool. Learn how to use Woodpecker Warm-up & Recovery module »

Gif showing how to add a warm-up

16 Nov 2021

Bounce Shield

Bounce Shield is our system that protects your deliverability by stopping sending process before the provider's limit is reached. Read more about how it works »

Notification about Bounce Shield

9 Nov 2021

Deliverability Tab

Deliverability tab is the best place to check your sending trends track your sender reputation from one place. You can review 6 types of stats there: Emails Sent, Delivered Emails, Views, Replies, Bounces, and Interest Level. Read more about Deliverability tab »

Gif showing the graph in Deliverability tab

23 Aug 2021

Woodpecker Calls

Our call scheduling & tracking app for Android has seen the light! With it, you're able to call your prospects directly from your phone wherever you are. You can also change your prospects' statuses and mark call-tasks as done. Learn how to use Woodpecker mobile app? »

woodpecker mobile app screen view

24 Jun 2021

Start your campaign with condition

Place a condition before an opening email and conduct more personalized campaigns without splitting your prospect's base into different campaigns. Starting your campaign with the condition »

view of a condition before path

14 May 2021

Call tasks

A new manual task type will help you contact your prospects faster. And there's more to come - let's stay in touch, so you don't miss it!

view of task call in woodpecker editor

29 Apr 2021

Calendly integration

Simple, yet powerful integration is available! All prospects who schedule a meeting with you will be automatically marked as RESPONDED. How to integrate Calendly with Woodpecker »

description of how Calendly integration works with Woodpecker

29 Mar 2021
LinkedIn tasks

Manual tasks have a new option. With this feature you'll find your prospects on Linkedin in a blink of an eye... or with two mouse clicks. How to use LinkedIn Tasks? »

List of LinkedIn taska available from Woodpecker's editor

13 Feb 2021


A new, more flexible billing system in our app, which lets you create a perfect set of features tailored for your needs. No more standard pricing plan - you can now create your own. Read more »

Marketplace view with different add-ons icons in Woodpecker app

16 Nov 2020

Snippet-based condition

Split your email sequence into two paths based on prospects’ data and add even more personalization to your messages. Read more »

Example of snippet based condition in the campaign flow

14 Oct 2020
Manual Tasks

It’s the first step towards multichannel campaigns in Woodpecker. Add a manual task and never forget to close your deals via LinkedIn, Twitter, or phone. Read more »

Example on how to mark task as done in the Woodpecker app

11 Aug 2020

Google Sheets Integration

Spread the word about your business faster with our Google Sheets integration. Easily import your spreadsheets to Woodpecker and start contacting your prospects right away. Connect Woodpecker to your Google Account and forgot about exporting CSV files. Read more »

Example of how you can import prospects from Google Sheets integration

09 June 2020

Attach the previous message to your follow-up sent separately

Now, when sending follow-ups separately, you can also decide whether you'd like to include the content of your previous email or not. Click the quotation mark icon to attach the previous message. Read more »

Image on how the quation mark icon looks like in the email editor in Woodpecker

01 Jul 2020
Hunter Integration

Spending a lot of time on hunting up your leads in Hunter? Use our simple integration and import them to Woodpecker effortlessly. No more CSV files with prospects - import them straight into your campaign from your Hunter account. Read more »

20 May 2020

A/B tests in campaign

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a process of comparing two or more versions of your email. Optimize your campaigns by creating up to 5 versions of one email. Test its copy and subject to find a version that is most appealing to your customers. Learn how to carry an A/B test » and check out our A/B Testing: FAQ »

Image showing how to add additional A, B versions in the email editor in Woodpecker

19 May 2020

Sending follow-ups in the same thread or separately

Throughout the years we learned that sending follow-ups is the key. That's why by default we attach their content to your previous message and send them in the same thread. All you need to do is to leave your subject line blank, and we do the rest. If you wish to send your follow-ups separately, however, type in a new subject. Read more »

Image showing wiritng a subject line into Woodpecker's email editor

30 April 2020

AI-powered Interest Level

AI-powered Interest Level automatically analyzes English-language replies from prospects and determines a prospect's interest level. You'll still be able to change the interest level manually. Read more »

Image showing the prospects with marked intrested levels

24 Mar 2020

Edit Email #1 in preview – customize your Email #1 in preview

We added a little twist to editing the email in the preview. Email customization in preview allows you to tailor your opening messages while previewing them. Correct errors or build a stronger relationship with some of your prospects by sending them a unique message. Read more »

Image with arrow poiting to a customize option for the first email

19 Mar 2020

In-app notifications

Never lose track of your campaigns. You’ll get an in-app notification every time something’s not right with your email account and campaigns are not being sent. Read more »

image of the in-app notification icon, which is a bell

11 Mar 2020

Edit Email #1 in preview

Correct errors or build a stronger relationship with some of your prospects by sending them a unique and more personalized message. How does it work? Editing email in preview allows you to make changes to the opening message (Email #1) from the preview level. Read more »

Image of an arrow poiting to the edit option of the opening email

3 Mar 2020

Bulk change of prospects’ statuses in the ‘To Check’ tab and when importing contacts

Checkmark the prospects whose status you want to bulk change. Next, use the 'Change status in bulk' icon and then click 'save'. Please mind that in some cases you may be requested to verify and confirm your action.

Image showing steps that's needed to be taken in order to fix the missing snippet issue

Filter prospects by status NONRESPONSIVE

Now you can look up the unresponsive prospects also when editing a campaign. Download those contacts with a few clicks. First, use the filter 'Status' → NONRESPONSIVE. Secondly, checkmark the prospects you want to export. Thirdly, click the 'Actions' → 'Export as .csv'. Done! Read more »

Image showing Nonresponsive status for the prospects in Woodpecker

25 Feb 2020

Bulk change of prospects’ statuses

Image showing icon which is used to change the prospect's status in bulk

Bulk actions allow you to update the data of multiple prospects at once. Now you can bulk change the status of your prospects with a few clicks. This option is available in the edit mode of a campaign and on the main Prospects list. Read more »

Gif showing bulk action in a main prospect base

5 Feb 2020

Deliverability report

Now, when connecting your email account, you can check your deliverability report. Why did we introduce it? To make you aware of the deliverability parameters. Here you can check the correctness of the set SPF and DKIM records.

Image with massage about successfull email account connection with the red check marks next to the SPF and DKIM settings

Deliverability tab

The deliverability tab is available in "Settings" → "Email Accounts" → "Deliverability". The deliverability tab contains SPF and DKIM data completed when connecting the mailbox. Below, you can also find the "Refresh" button, which allows you to update the results. Read more »

Image poiting to the position of the Deliverability tab in Woodpecker app

14 Jan 2020

Clicks-based condition

Set up tracked links as a Condition in If-campaigns to control the email sequence based on your prospects' level of engagement. Read more »

Image showing conditions based on the tracked links

Import prospect from files also in .xls and .xlsx formats

Add your prospects directly from your CSV or Excel files. Read more »

Image with the import panel in Woodpecker

18 Nov 2019


Recently, we've introduced If-campaigns which allow you to adjust your communication according to your prospect's engagement level. Share your thoughts with us at [email protected].

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