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Billing: FAQ

Here you will find the answers to the most common questions concerning pricing, billing, and payments in Woodpecker.

Weronika Wróblewska avatar
Written by Weronika Wróblewska
Updated over 9 months ago

What is paid for in my account?

Our pricing is based on contacted and stored prospects.

The combination of those two metrics is available in paired tiers – for example, 2,000 contacted prospects and 8,000 stored prospects. You can see all pairings available on our website's Pricing page.

Those metrics are counted per the whole account with the Cold Email, Agency, or Sales Assistant product. For Agency users, the limit is counted for all Active Clients.

With the Sales Assistant product, you also have an option to connect your LinkedIn account.

The lowest tier is available to all new customers but gives no access to the API & Integrations add-on. This tier offers up to 500 contacted prospects and stores up to 2,000. Its cost for a Cold Email account is $29, for an Agency, it is $56, and for a Sales Assistant account, it is $37.

Add-ons are additional features that you can buy from our Marketplace. If you decide to buy one, its price will be added to your periodic price for Woodpecker.

Remember that if you're an Agency user, you can only buy add-ons from your main account and they will be applied to all your Agency Clients.

How is my billing calculated?

Your payment will be based on the tier of contacted and stored prospect pairs you have and the number of add-ons you bought from Marketplace. You can have as many connected email accounts as you need. If you want to use them all to send one campaign, read about the Inbox Rotation feature.

If you do not make any changes to your account (e.g., add or remove add-ons), the payment will remain the same every billing cycle.

Is this pre-paid or post-paid?

Every payment is prepaid, meaning if you add an add-on or upgrade to the higher tier in the middle of your billing cycle, you will pay the difference between the tier you are upgrading to and the tier you were on.

If you delete add-ons or downgrade to the lower tier, the new price will be active from the next billing cycle. You won't have to pay anything more when activating the lower tier. However, you will not be able to switch to a lower tier if the number of prospects stored in your account is higher than that in the lower tier. Remember about cleaning your prospects list.

After cost equalization, you’ll have a constant, monthly price set up. Discounts can not proceed into refunds.

Where can I find the details of my next payment?

Just navigate to Settings → Billing → Subscription. You will find all the features in your account with their pricing listed there.

See this article to learn what's what.

What payment methods do you accept?

You can pay for your subscription by credit card or PayPal.

Do I have to sign a contract?

You don't need to sign anything. You can pay as you go and cancel anytime.

Can I customize my plan throughout the subscription?

Yes, you can turn extra features on and off according to your current needs at any time using the Marketplace inside the app.

How does the annual plan work?

Signing up for the annual plan gives you a 33% discount: you get a subscription for 12 months but pay only for 8. On the annual plan, you’ll be billed once a year.

Where will I find my invoice?

We issue invoices as legal documents confirming your payments. These will be available in your Woodpecker account ( Settings → Billing Payment history) within 7 days after payment and sent to your billing email (if you set it).

Invoice to download from Payment history in Billing

For more information on your invoices, see this article »

To learn how to edit your billing data, and change your billing email, see this article »

To deal with corrective invoices, please contact support »

Can I pause my account for time being?

Yes, in order to keep your profile and all data for later use, you can have your account paused.

How to pause account: Go to your Billing → Subscription → Scroll down to the 'DELETE OR PAUSE ACCOUNT' section → click 'Pause account → click to Continue and choose pause reason.

Picture showing Pause 'Accept info' with the "continue" button

Alternatively, contact support specifying your Woodpecker login.

Details: While your account is paused, sending emails and creating new campaigns is disabled, but you retain full access to all your data: you can review and tag messages in Inbox, update your prospect base and download any entries to a CSV file, as well as review any of your campaigns, and related statistics. These will also update with any new replies from your prospects during the pause.

What remains functional


What is disabled

reviewing and tagging emails


sending emails

reviewing statistics, editing emails, editing and downloading prospects


creating new campaigns

editing and removing prospects, downloading entries to a CSV file


adding new prospects

editing profile and billing data, modifying signatures


adding or removing Users or Email Accounts

Pricing: When your account is paused, the monthly fee is reduced to $10 per account.

How do I remove add-ons?

To remove any add-on, please go to its page and click Remove this add-on at the bottom of its description.

WIndow asking whether you're sure to remove an add-on

If you remove an add-on in the middle of your billing cycle, your next payment will be reduced by the prorated amount left till the next cycle.

What is a Marketplace?

Marketplace is a place in the app where you can manage your purchasing process. You can manage your add-ons and integrations there. Go there whenever you want to add or turn add-ons on or off.

Feel free to check out available integrations under Marketplace, and if you decide to connect Woodpecker with another tool, go to the Add-ons tab and purchase the API Key to do so.

How does the 7-day free trial work?

You can test Woodpecker for 7 days or until you send 50 messages. We don't require credit card details to set up a trial account.

Can I test the extra features on trial as well?

Yes, both the standard and extra features are available on a free trial right from the start.

What happens after my free trial ends?

All your campaigns get paused until you go premium, but you’ll still be able to access your data, campaigns, and stats.

If anything is still unclear, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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