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Email & domain warm-up
How to use the Warm-up powered by Mailivery in Woodpecker?
How to use the Warm-up powered by Mailivery in Woodpecker?

To prepare for email outreach, you can use the Warm-up powered by Mailivery for the automatic warm-up process.

Weronika Wróblewska avatar
Written by Weronika Wróblewska
Updated yesterday


Mailivery integration

Warming up an email or a domain by yourself can be pretty time-consuming, especially with the preparation of the email's content and then sending your emails manually. With the Mailivery add-on in Woodpecker, the whole process can be automated.

The warm-up process will start with sending a small amount of emails daily, and it will be slowly increased depending on the activity of your email account.

Activating and adding warm-up

Our integration with Mailivery is available as a warm-up add-on in the Marketplace. You won’t be charged for activating the add-on, but every email account that is added to the warm-up process will cost $5/month.

After activating the add-on, you can start by adding email accounts to the warm-up process. To begin, go to your Accounts tab. You’ll see the option to add warm-up next to the email address connected to your Woodpecker account.

Choose the one you want to warm up, and after clicking on the link, you’ll be redirected to the page for adding and purchasing this option.

Besides First and Last Name, you’ll have to enter the App password (for Google accounts) or SMTP and IMAP Server data (for Sengrid and other providers). If you don’t know how to get the app password for Google, check our help article about it, or look for the tutorials from your provider.

Fill in the fields with the required information and click on the “Add warm-up” button. If all goes well, you will see a message that the addition was successful.

In case of an unsuccessful process, it might be two things: a payment problem or there was a problem with adding the warm-up overall. With the first one, check if the card connected is the correct one or if there are any funds available on it, and try adding the warm-up again.

With the second issue, contact our Support team, so we can check what went wrong in detail.

After the warm-up has been added, you can see the details in the Warm-up tab under the email account.

Next to the email account name, there will be three statuses for the warm-up: Active, Inactive, or Stopped.

Pausing and removing warm-up

The warm-up process can be stopped or paused by you at any time. Keep in mind that pausing can result in lower response rates because your email may be marked as spam.

Pausing your warm-up process won’t pause the payment for it – you’ll still be charged the same as having an active warm-up. Only after it is completely removed from the e-mail account will it not be charged.


For Google accounts, the warm-up process may have been stopped as an error for two reasons: either the email account is disconnected in Woodpecker, or there was a problem with connecting the warm-up to Mailivery.

The details of the account connected to the warm-up will show the specific reason for the error through a message in red, so you can either reconnect the email or fill in the App password again.

For Sengrid accounts, in case of an error, fill in the API Key, and IMAP password in the form again, and save changes to resume warm-up.

For Office accounts connected to warm-up, the solution to the error is reconnecting your account by clicking on the Office button below.

If any error message does not correspond to the above cases, please contact our Support Team.

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