What happens when your prospects reply to your email?
Status of these prospects changes to RESPONDED.
The sequence of follow-ups for these prospects stops.
Prospects aren't removed from the campaign they were added to.
There's no need to change the status manually one by one or in bulk, in case you'd like to change the status of multiple prospects at once.
Learn how to bulk change the status »
However, there are 2 cases when changing the status manually is advised:
1. When your prospect sends you a message, asking to be removed from your database.
In this case, change the status to OPT-OUT. This status ensures that no emails will be sent in the future. Go to the chosen campaign, click on the status, and select OPT-OUT from the dropdown menu.
Let your prospects opt-out of your campaign by adding the unsubscribe link » to your copy.
2. When you receive an out-of-office reply.
In such a case, your prospect will be assigned the status AUTOREPLIED. You'll see a red dot next to the To Check tab in your campaign. After clicking on it, head to the AUTOREPLY tab and decide what actions should be taken next. If you wish to continue sending, choose the date to resume. You can also change your prospect's status by selecting one from the dropdown menu.
Learn more about what happens if a prospect sets an autoresponder »
Since you've got a response from your prospects so head over to our blog to learn What to Do When You Get an Interested Reply to Your Cold Email? » or What to Do When You See Negative Replies to Your Cold Emails? »