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How to use Call and SMS tasks?
How to use Call and SMS tasks?

Call and SMS Tasks are the kind of Manual Tasks that you can use to create a multichannel sequence within your campaign.

Weronika Wróblewska avatar
Written by Weronika Wróblewska
Updated over 9 months ago


  1. How to add a Call task to the campaign?

  2. How to add an SMS task?

  3. How to resolve a Call task?

Call and SMS Tasks are a part of the Sales Assistant product.

How to add a Call task to the campaign?

While creating your campaign, simply choose a Call option for your step in order to use our call tasks.

Choosing a Call task from the list

If you provide us with your prospects’ phone number through the {{PHONE}} custom field, we will create a task that will remind you of making phone calls to your potential customers.

The default task name is ‘Make a call to: {{PHONE}}’. However, you can change it and add information about your prospects or the conversation you want with them in the task details section, also using snippets. From there, you can set the number of days which you give yourself to resolve this task.

Task name, setting up a date and using snippets

How to add an SMS task?

In addition to the Call task, you can create a task based on an SMS.

From a list of options when creating a Step, choose the SMS one.

SMS task in a list

It works like Call tasks, with the same process of providing a phone number for your prospects so we can make a task in the App. If the prospect doesn’t have a phone number in the database, they will be put in the To Check tab.

For the SMS to be sent, it needs to have a text message set in a campaign.

How to resolve Call and SMS tasks?

Call and SMS tasks can be resolved through the web app by going to the Tasks tab, where you can mark the Call or SMS task as ‘done’ manually.

Gif with marking the call task as "done"

Remember that unresolved tasks will stop your prospects from moving forward in the campaign sequence. What happens if I forget to do my task? »

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