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Exporting interest level

Using interest level helps you check your prospects' engagement level. Read on to learn how to export this data.

Weronika Wróblewska avatar
Written by Weronika Wróblewska
Updated over 2 years ago

Exporting interest level

Filtering prospects

Use existing filters to narrow down your search. Filter your prospects by Status, Campaign, Contacted, Imported, or Tags.

Selecting more prospects

Use the Show rows option to display more prospects per page. You can also navigate to another page by clicking the icons <>.

  1. Open your campaign.

  2. Go to the 'PROSPECTS' tab.

  3. Click SENT to see all the prospects.

  4. To narrow down your search, filter your prospects by Interested or simply export all the prospects.

  5. Checkmark contacts you want to export or click 'Select all... prospects' to mark all the contacts.

  6. Click 'Actions' tab.

  7. Choose to 'Export as .csv'.

"Interested" filter in the Prospects list from Campaign

Here's how the interest level looks in your exported file:

Interested level in the exported file

If you're not sure how to use interest level, click here to read our help article about it »

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