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Bouncer - free email validation
Bouncer - free email validation

Each time you click 'Send', your prospects’ email addresses will be verified for free with Bouncer just before the emails are sent out.

Weronika Wróblewska avatar
Written by Weronika Wróblewska
Updated over 7 months ago

Bouncer has been integrated natively with Woodpecker and as such is available for all Woodpecker users for free, whatever your subscription plan is. Log in to your Woodpecker account, the integration is up and running.

Head over to our blog to read about the benefits and what our native Bouncer integration can do for you.


1. How does it work?

Each time you create a campaign and click 'Send', your prospects’ email addresses will be verified with Bouncer just before the emails are sent out. If Bouncer identifies the email address as unknown, the prospect will be marked as "INVALID". However, email addresses that have not been determined to be incorrect, will be marked as "ACTIVE".

Image with highlighted field with prospect's "Invalid" status in a campaign

Please mind that INVALID is a local status, which means that it can be found only in a campaign and thus exported from there. Learn more about statuses which you can find in Woodpecker »

Why are my emails assigned status 'INVALID'?

Bouncer verifies the email addresses of your prospects before sending emails to them. When you hit the "Send" button, your prospects are put in the queue and then verified each time Woodpecker is about to send a message to a particular contact.

2. How do I know which email addresses have been marked as 'INVALID'?

  1. Open your campaign.

  2. Have a look at your STATS.

  3. Click INVALID to see all your prospects who couldn't be verified.

Image with the campaign statistics, with highlighted Invalid field

Exporting prospects with status INVALID

  1. Go to Campaigns.

  2. Open a chosen campaign and go to the 'PROSPECTS' → INVALID.

  3. Checkmark contacts that you want to export.

  4. Choose the option 'Select all... prospects' if you wish to download the whole list.

  5. Click the 'Actions' tab 'Export as .csv'.

Tip: To learn more about downloading data from your Woodpecker account please have a look at our article Exporting data from Woodpecker »

3. How can I check if the integration is working?

Woodpecker verifies your emails each time you import new prospects and hit the 'Send' button. Unverifiable prospects will be assigned the status 'Invalid' and can be seen as such in your statistics.

Invalid status of Prospects in the Prospects tab of the campaign

Wondering what's the difference between Bounced and Invalid? Have a look at our help article!

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