How to Create a Zap

A zap is basically an automated task that you want run over and over again between two online apps.

Weronika Wróblewska avatar
Written by Weronika Wróblewska
Updated over a week ago

API Key is a part of an API Key and Integrations add-on, click here to learn how to get it on Marketplace »

How to integrate Woodpecker with another app via Zapier?

1. Log in to Zapier »
2. Click on the ‘Create Zap’ button.

Image with arrow pointing to "Create Zap" button in Zapier

3. Choose your Trigger App (if you want to use one of the triggers available in Woodpecker, type in 'Woodpecker').

Gif showing how to look for Woodpecker's trigger in Zapier

4. Choose your trigger and follow the remaining setup steps.

Gif showing list of available triggers from Woodpecker in Zapier

5. Connect Zapier with Woodpecker by pasting a Woodpecker API Key and continue.

To get the API key from Woodpecker, log in to your Woodpecker panel and go to Settings → Marketplace → Integrations → API Keys.

In case you'll have trouble finding it - here is our article about Generating API Key in Woodpecker »

Image showing window to authenticate connection with Woodpecker

6. Zapier will then ask you to test the trigger.

Image with arrow pointing to Test trigger button in Zap

If you do not have any data on your account which will match the trigger yet (e. g. you don't have any replies from your prospect) you can simply skip this step.

Image pointing to Skip Test button in Zap

Otherwise, your test should have a successful ending.

Image showing success communicate after completed test

7. Choose your Action App.

Below, we're showing an example of a use-case for an action taking place in Pipedrive (if you want an event taking place in one app to result in the automatic action in Woodpecker, choose a trigger app of your choice and type in ‘Woodpecker’ in this step).

Gif showing process of looking for second app to add to Zap

8. Select your event.

Gif showing drop-down list with possible actions in second app

9. Connect your other app account with Zapier by providing the API Key or simply by logging in.

Screen with a place to paste your API key in Pipedrive

10. Map your data from one system to another.

Remember to fill out all of the required fields in order to finish setting up this Zap. You can customize the data and use all fields available in Woodpecker to create the name, description of a Pipedrive deal and add much more information.

Imagr showing how to map data between two zapped apps

11. Test the Zap and publish it!

Image with the button to Retest & Revie and Publish Zap

Remember that you can switch your Zaps between on and off in your 'Zaps' menu.

Gif showing how to turn on and off Zap using switch button
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