Here's the example:
Email #2 in the sequence started sending, but then stopped and it remained that way for a week. You set Email #2 to go out "No sooner than after 5 days from the previous email ", and it is already week three as the campaign is running.
This is because the "No sooner than..." setting is based on individual "last contacted" dates for each prospect. Rather than selecting one date for sending the follow-ups, the app makes sure all prospects get them in the relevant time frames, so exactly following the "no-sooner-than" clause for each prospect.
These dates may vary significantly (by two weeks, as one example) in campaigns with large (several hundred) and very large (above one thousand) prospects bases.
Some of your prospects will get your opening emails in the first week (over the next few days since the start of the campaign), but some might get it in the second week or the following one, and the follow-up schedules will shift accordingly for these prospects.
Here's what you need to do to know when the remaining follow-ups will be due for sending:
1. Check what are the sending settings for the follow-ups:
open the campaign,
scroll down a bit,
expand the section with the (follow-up) email in question,
check the "No sooner than..." setting on it.
2. Check the queued prospects:
click the Prospects tab in a campaign,
select "All prospects" in filters,
use the filter "Emails sent" to narrow down the results.
For example, if you're waiting for your third email to send, select "2 emails sent" to see which of your prospects hasn't received their second email yet.
3. Check the "When" column for the actual dates.
Add the number of days from "No sooner than..." to the dates in the "When" column and you will know when the campaign should continue sending for these prospects.